Short Game
Mental Game
Course Management
Tournament Strategy
Photo by JD Cuban
Instantly improve any aspect of your game and your handicap within one instructional session with Ron.
Got the yips?
The Yips are like having a stutter. Ron can fix this mental hiccup quickly.
Using the Stockton Signature Approach© Ron will help you unlock the secrets that will take your game to a whole new level.
Ron can diagnosis your problem areas within the first 15-30 minutes of an instructional session.
Do you want:
Simple, relatable golf instruction specifically tailored to your level?
To perform more consistently under pressure?
To ditch the mental checklist and become more athletic?
To improve your handicap immediately and consistently with practice?
Insights into reading greens, course management and tournament strategy?
Advice on the best instructional products and ones to avoid?
To compare your mental game to the best in the game?
To know if what's in your bag is working for you?

I know what your thinking, how can I guy who looks so young have been teaching since 1985? While, yes, the photos need to be more current to show my age. BUT, I did actually started in the teaching space around the age of 13 when my father, Dave Stockton's, only instructor (and my grandfather) passed away. Being the astute observer, I began attending my father's lessons with well-known teachers of the game. I would take notes and culminated the best of what they taught. Over time and after working with multiple Tour players and amateurs, as well as doing a lot of my own research, the art of golf instruction became both a science to me and a passion.
After my own foray into playing professional golf I found that I was a better teacher than a player. These, are, interestingly, two very different things and often a good player will not necessarily make the best teacher. And, in turn, a good teacher will not necessarily be the best player. My father went on to win multiple PGA and PGA Champions Tour events under my tutelage, accomplishments that he and I are both very proud of. While there is more to this both long and detailed story, I'd rather get to the business of making you a better golfer than going into depth here (but click here if you would like more to the story).
I, as well as, Stockton Golf provide a provide a variety of services including personalized instruction, corporate golf outings, destination golf experiences, and consulting in the golf industry. With decades of teaching experience across all skill levels, I am is excited to share my insights with you! I am set to revamp and relaunch his YouTube channel soon, featuring detailed analyses of instructional books, training aids, and clubs to help you save time and money.
Explore my offerings below and stay tuned for exciting updates!
Jon Stabler, Co-Founder GolfPsych
“I have trained several hundred teaching pros in our GolfPsych System over the past 25 years. Ron stands out as one of the fastest learners and has an intuitive grasp of how to employ the 8 Traits with his clients. I have had quite a few that just couldn’t get it. Ron more than got it, he was able to make it do handstands in a very short period of time. We could not be happier that Ron took this step and we consider him one of our top GolfPsych Instructors." - Jon Stabler, Co-Founder, GolfPsych

M.A., Father of College Golfer
..[My son] is receiving a very generous athletic scholarship because of all of the important folks that have helped him develop his [game]. You are one of those very special mentors that has developed his short game and [become] his mental [advisor]...

Brittany Lang, LPGA Tour PLayer and Women's U.S. Open Champion
Ron is one of the best coaches out there. He has a great eye and communicates very well. His approach is very simple and has helped me to improve my game and get my first win on the LPGA Tour. You can only get better by working with Ron.